Several New Policies Coming Soon....
Here at the RVD Ranch, we try to be more than fair with our prospective puppy owners. We had a few policies that were different from other breeders, but now we see why breeders had those policies in the first place.
Your puppy will come with a collar on from now on. It is hard to tell you what size to get before you pick up, as all the pups are different sizes and we have no idea how big they will be when you pick them up. So instead of answering collar size questions and possibly giving you a wrong answer, your puppy will come with an adjustable collar on to give you time to find one that you like and fits.
Deposits are fair because we spend a lot of time answering questions, marketing/advertising ($$), and emails AND we turn away prospective owners if spots are held by people with deposits. Deposits are for our time and for turning away people that want your spot and starting up ads again if needed. While there are some exceptions, we are becoming more tight on the deposits because we've turned away good, interested owners for spots that were taken.
Delivery Fees
We feel that sometimes the delivery is not appreciated. It is a big ordeal. We get up at 5 am to let the puppies play before the trip, we pack all their stuff, we drive up to 6 hours one way, with 12 hours being round trip, and hit tolls and crazy thruway gas prices. We have not ever charged for our room and board. Going forward, travel/delivery fees will be going up to include a room charge if it is too far and we need a hotel. Also, we need you to be flexible on the day of delivery - and on time. It is a far drive usually and things can come up. Also, we have not had good experiences delivering into NYC because of the amount of people and no safe, legal spot to park and let the puppies out/down. We prefer Newburgh, NY - and that is still saving you 10 hours of driving time! Delivery situations will be on a case by case basis and depend on our schedule. You are welcome to come up and pick up your puppy at our home!
Puppy Purchase Payment Due
Payment for puppies is due by the time the puppies are 7-8 weeks old, if applicable, whether you've picked them up or not. If your puppy is boarding a few more days with us, it is a $20-$30/day charge. Training charges are additional and to be determined upon expectations. It is not fair if we are not paid for a puppy that is yours but has been with us an extended period, just because the pup is boarding or in extended training. You must also reimburse us for any vet charges - sometimes the pups are due for boosters while they are here. We do not charge for our time to take them to the vet - this is a courtesy service.
Rehoming Fee
There is no refund for return. Yes, we can easily find a home for them. In addition, you are responsible for driving to us to return the puppy. If you have changed their food, we will also need a bag of this; any other items that are familiar to them should come along with them so they can transition more easily. It is our time AND if you are returning because of buyers remorse, you make it appear that something is wrong with the puppy, whereas, in most cases, that is not true. Then, we have to explain to others what happened and they wonder if something is wrong with the pup. It is not fair for the pup and not fair to us - so we really want our puppies back so we can home them, but you need to make it right. This is not to deter you from returning the puppy (you are required by the contract to never put our pups in a shelter), but deter you from getting one in the first place. They are hard work, costly, and take up a lot of time. We know the puppies leave us healthy, loving, and as far as an 8 week old can get. We spend more time with our puppies than other breeders - we know this! We cannot help that a puppy is 60% of its environment - we cannot control what you have or have not taught your puppy once you get him/her....therefore, we are also adding into our 2 year agreements that puppy owners must sign up their puppy for puppy socialization and basic training. Even if you have extensive dog training background (especially if), because the PUPPY needs socialization classes - it is not about your capabilities as a dog owner, it is about what is best for the mind of the puppy. If you cannot commit to this, perhaps it is not the right time for a is only fair that the puppy gets the best start that it can in the world. We have had dogs since we were born and we still work with dog trainers ourselves. We are NOT professional dog trainers and it is helpful for everyone in the household to be reminded by a pro how it is done.
Thank you
We appreciate everyone's support and hope that going forward, we have smoother processes and a better understanding from everyone what is expected of each other.
Your puppy will come with a collar on from now on. It is hard to tell you what size to get before you pick up, as all the pups are different sizes and we have no idea how big they will be when you pick them up. So instead of answering collar size questions and possibly giving you a wrong answer, your puppy will come with an adjustable collar on to give you time to find one that you like and fits.
Deposits are fair because we spend a lot of time answering questions, marketing/advertising ($$), and emails AND we turn away prospective owners if spots are held by people with deposits. Deposits are for our time and for turning away people that want your spot and starting up ads again if needed. While there are some exceptions, we are becoming more tight on the deposits because we've turned away good, interested owners for spots that were taken.
Delivery Fees
We feel that sometimes the delivery is not appreciated. It is a big ordeal. We get up at 5 am to let the puppies play before the trip, we pack all their stuff, we drive up to 6 hours one way, with 12 hours being round trip, and hit tolls and crazy thruway gas prices. We have not ever charged for our room and board. Going forward, travel/delivery fees will be going up to include a room charge if it is too far and we need a hotel. Also, we need you to be flexible on the day of delivery - and on time. It is a far drive usually and things can come up. Also, we have not had good experiences delivering into NYC because of the amount of people and no safe, legal spot to park and let the puppies out/down. We prefer Newburgh, NY - and that is still saving you 10 hours of driving time! Delivery situations will be on a case by case basis and depend on our schedule. You are welcome to come up and pick up your puppy at our home!
Puppy Purchase Payment Due
Payment for puppies is due by the time the puppies are 7-8 weeks old, if applicable, whether you've picked them up or not. If your puppy is boarding a few more days with us, it is a $20-$30/day charge. Training charges are additional and to be determined upon expectations. It is not fair if we are not paid for a puppy that is yours but has been with us an extended period, just because the pup is boarding or in extended training. You must also reimburse us for any vet charges - sometimes the pups are due for boosters while they are here. We do not charge for our time to take them to the vet - this is a courtesy service.
Rehoming Fee
There is no refund for return. Yes, we can easily find a home for them. In addition, you are responsible for driving to us to return the puppy. If you have changed their food, we will also need a bag of this; any other items that are familiar to them should come along with them so they can transition more easily. It is our time AND if you are returning because of buyers remorse, you make it appear that something is wrong with the puppy, whereas, in most cases, that is not true. Then, we have to explain to others what happened and they wonder if something is wrong with the pup. It is not fair for the pup and not fair to us - so we really want our puppies back so we can home them, but you need to make it right. This is not to deter you from returning the puppy (you are required by the contract to never put our pups in a shelter), but deter you from getting one in the first place. They are hard work, costly, and take up a lot of time. We know the puppies leave us healthy, loving, and as far as an 8 week old can get. We spend more time with our puppies than other breeders - we know this! We cannot help that a puppy is 60% of its environment - we cannot control what you have or have not taught your puppy once you get him/her....therefore, we are also adding into our 2 year agreements that puppy owners must sign up their puppy for puppy socialization and basic training. Even if you have extensive dog training background (especially if), because the PUPPY needs socialization classes - it is not about your capabilities as a dog owner, it is about what is best for the mind of the puppy. If you cannot commit to this, perhaps it is not the right time for a is only fair that the puppy gets the best start that it can in the world. We have had dogs since we were born and we still work with dog trainers ourselves. We are NOT professional dog trainers and it is helpful for everyone in the household to be reminded by a pro how it is done.
Thank you
We appreciate everyone's support and hope that going forward, we have smoother processes and a better understanding from everyone what is expected of each other.